4 Steps to build arm-based docker image on Mac OS

4 Steps to build arm-based docker image on Mac OS

To build an arm image, we need the qemu emulator to emulate those arm executions in the image. First, extract the static linked qemu emulator from linux.

To not mess with Mac, we do it in an Ubuntu Docker:

//On Ubuntu Docker

sudo apt install -y qemu qemu-user-static qemu-user binfmt-support

SCP the qemu-arm-static out from docker Ubuntu Docker machine to host Mac

//On Ubuntu Docker

scp qemu-arm-static scottie@

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Install helm on raspberry pi (ARM device)

Install helm on raspberry pi (ARM device)

Install helm and tiller on kubernetes on raspberry pi

Installation of helm and tiller is not straight forward on arm device. Since, by default, the helm will pick a non-arm image of tiller to deploy on kubernetes and make the pod crash. Easiest way is to pick some existing arm version of tiller image to deploy on server. E.g. one from jessestuart:

helm init --tiller-image=jessestuart/tiller:v2.9.1

For non-production use, the role binding of cluster-admin and default/kube-system can be found below:

kubectl create clusterrolebinding add-on-cluster-admin --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=kube-system:default

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Install kubernetes v1.9.2 on Rasberry Pi

Install kubernetes v1.9.2 on Rasberry Pi

Below are the steps to install 5 nodes + 1 master of k8s on Raspberry Pi

SD card preparation

Prepare 6 SD cards and flash with the Hypriot OS, this would be the most stable OS as of today. Install the tool flash

curl -O https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hypriot/flash/master/$(uname -s)/flash
chmod +x flash
sudo mv flash /usr/local/bin/flash

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